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80s – 90s Basic DSP
80s and 90s Basic DSP Library is loaded with timeless units and for attaining that unique snare fx or quirky guitar
sound with files to ignite your creative pallet! These nostalgic units were absolute necessities in many basement
and garage band environments and studios. Tough, reliable and affordable at the time, there are files to suit any
production that will bring alive your favorite sounds and vintage DSP vibes. Vintage DSP reverb that includes:
642 files – 911 megs
Multiv LT
DSP 128
3 Dim
GP5 (Guitar FX unit)
These files are all 96/24, with some being initially recorded at lower rates, with many understanding the progression
in the industry, with some units going pretty far back when A/D converters we’re still “a work in progress” with sampling
and bit rates being lower – and really it still is, as higher and higher sampling and bit rates are coming into play.
Some units had better filters and general filtering than others and so it was key to use not only the highest quality
sweep tone, but more importantly, the correct sampling and bit rate sweep tone to avoid unintended and punctuated aliasing.